1098 Statements
Please note that the 1098 Year-End Statement is best viewed using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
You will have difficulties if you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
If you are using Internet Explorer and do not want to use one of the internet browsers listed above, please follow these instructions:
1) Navigate to Settings and click on “Open with Microsoft Edge” (or use the shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+E)

2) You will be asked to log back into the system.
3) Navigate to My Statements/1098 Statement.

4) Click the “View Year-End Statement” button.

5) Your statement will pop up in a new window.
6) Save the file in your desired location and you will have the 1098 Year-End Form for preparing your taxes at your fingertips.
It’s that simple to work around not being able to use Microsoft Internet Explorer to view your statement. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you,
Your LoanCare Customer Care Team